Suntan Addiction

swimwear, sunbathing, beach

SUNTAN ADDICTION Despite a flourishing market in sunscreens and, to a lesser extent, sun-protective clothing, as well as a dermatologists campaign going back to 1983, millions of Americans continue to abuse the rays that in small doses help maintain health but in larger doses can destroy it. For some who frequent tanning salons or own tanning […]

Seeing Your Doctors Notes About You

SEEING YOUR DOCTORS NOTES For 40 years, the tension over patient access has been playing out in hospitals, clinics and doctors offices. Although medical records have always been accessible to clinicians, payers, auditors and even researchers, it was not until the 1970s that a few states began giving patients the same rights. The PCPs with whom […]

Real Men Don’t See Doctors

“REAL MEN DON’T SEE DOCTORS” Real men don’t ask for directions, and now researchers are saying the reluctance to ask for help may not just mean they get lost. It may also take a toll on their health. Believing the ideal man is the strong, silent type who does not complain about pain were only half […]

Mediterranean Diet and Resolving Diabetes

cooked food in bowl beside watering can pot

OBJECTIVE To test the effects of two Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) interventions versus a low-fat diet on incidence of diabetes. Three participant groups, one in the MedDiet with olive oil group, one on the MedDiet with nuts group, and the control group. When the two MedDiet groups were pooled and compared with the control group, diabetes […]

Anesthesiology– Maybe the MOST Important Person You DON’T Know

operation, breathing mask, anesthesia

Understanding AnesthesiaAnesthesia is a mysterious concept to most of us, even if we’ve been anesthetized before. The term comes from the Greek for “loss of sensation,” but that’s not the only effect it causes in your body. Anesthesia, essentially a reversible condition induced by drugs, is intended to result in one or more different states […]

ADHD Stresses a Marriage

man and woman holding hands

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention Disorders Can Take a Toll on MarriageDoes your husband or wife constantly forget chores and lose track of the calendar? Do you sometimes feel that instead of living with a spouse, you’re raising another child? Your marriage may be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Spouses with attention deficit, meanwhile, […]

Smoking Doubles Alzheimer’s Risk

HEAVY SMOKING DOUBLES RISK OF ALZHEIMER’S  Heavy smoking in middle age seems to increase the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, a large new study suggests. “Heavy smoking in midlife is associated with a 157 percent increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and a 172 percent increased risk of developing vascular dementia, according […]

Hospital Delirium and the Elderly

“Thousands of tiny little creatures,” he said, “some on horseback, waving arms, carrying weapons like some grand Renaissance battle,” were trying to turn people “into zombies.” Their leader was a woman “with no mouth but a very precisely cut hole in her throat.” No one who knows Justin Kaplan would ever have expected this. A […]

Bunk or De-Bunk “Gargling With Salt Water Can Ease Cold Symptoms”

A sore, itchy throat and respiratory congestion are some of the more common symptoms of a cold, and gargling with salt water seems to help for several reasons. A saline solution can draw excess fluid from inflamed tissues in the throat, making them hurt less. Gargling with salt water is a common home remedy that […]

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – C.O.P.D.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – C.O.P.D. Understanding the issues faced by someone suffering from COPD. Knowing that 16 million Americans suffer from diagnosed Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and an estimated 16 million more have yet to be diagnosed. To understand that this is one of the most preventable illnesses. Dr. Alan Radin of the Arbor […]