The Greatest Generation Doesn’t Ask for Help

June 6, 2024 “The Greatest Generation Doesn’t Ask for Help”. I wrote this several years ago while in my Home Care Business. Today seems so appropriate to bring it out again. I knew a lot of people that could wear that Greatest Generation label. For the survivors of that generation, unfortunately they won’t be with […]

Orphan Boomers & Stubborn Parents?

A Person Giving a Bundle of Keys to another Person

Parents Stubborn? DRIVING ISSUES? Having That Hard Talk With Your Folks! ORPHAN BOOMERS Why are There so Many Orphan Boomers? Orphan Boomers….Many people fall into the category of being Orphan Adults, Elder Orphans or Kinless. They may not be aware of the terms, the limitations, and pitfalls that those words represent, even though they apply […]


A Woman Wearing a Smartwatch Holding a Smartphone

Sleep… we know babies need lots of it and fight as they might, growing kids need it too. But what about adults? Many of us are disrespecting sleep by cheating, not getting enough and may paying a price. Evan L. Stepp, MD, is a Pulmonologist at National Jewish Health. Dr. Stepp is in the Division […]


family portrait

Are you the meat or the bread? Welcome to the Sandwich Generation. The relationship between grandkids, parents, and grandparents is a tricky one, with all sorts of different ways it can go. Factors that can influence these dynamics include different generational cultures, and stereotypes that each generation may hold about the others. Albeit temporarily, the […]


A Man Punching the Heavy Bag

NON CONTACT BOXING EXERCISE CAN IMPROVE COGNITION, DEPRESSION, FATIGUE and SLEEP Discovered Non-Contact Boxing Mary is a 73-year-old who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a few years ago. She has always been an active person, but her symptoms were getting in the way of her daily activities, and she was feeling frustrated and hopeless. One […]

Judging a Nursing Home

Choosing a nursing home is not always a choice but sometimes it is a mandate. Time is up in the hospital and the patient must go somewhere. If not home then a nursing home may be the only solution. The author of this article had what seemed the luxury of time and used it well. […]

Therapy Dogs – Good Dog Foundation

The Good Dog Foundation, based in Brooklyn NY. Rachel McPherson, Founder and President for 25 years, is our guest and shares the attributes of a therapy dog. Rachel helped change regulations that now permits therapy dogs into health facilities where their presence is so needed and appreciated. The benefits and rewards of talking with their […]

Understanding Arthritis


Susan Nesci – Chief Public Health and Policy Officer with the Arthritis Foundation joined us to update and inform on what many people do not generally know about types of arthritis and new developments. Discussed are details of such arthritic conditions as Gout. The importance and use of canes. Every 1 pound of weight equals […]

Nasal Humming

Macro Photography of Colorful Hummingbird

Humming Can Help Ease Nasal Problems – Keeping the sinuses healthy and infection-free requires ventilation and keeping air flowing smoothly between the sinus and nasal cavities. And what better way to keep air moving through the sinuses and nasal cavity than by humming a tune? The Claim: Humming Can Ease Sinus Problems, Anahad O’Connor, The New […]