Married, But Sleeping Apart

Nearly one in four American couples sleep in separate bedrooms or beds, the National Sleep Foundation reported in a 2005 survey. Recent studies in England and Japan have found similar results. Over the course of 30 plus years marriage, my wife would never accepts my snoring as an evening serenade. As a result, I became […]

Smoking Doubles Alzheimer’s Risk

HEAVY SMOKING DOUBLES RISK OF ALZHEIMER’S  Heavy smoking in middle age seems to increase the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, a large new study suggests. “Heavy smoking in midlife is associated with a 157 percent increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and a 172 percent increased risk of developing vascular dementia, according […]

Fish Oil Supplements Good For Heart, Maybe Not For Depression

woman touch rainy glass

Much has been written about the benefits of Fish Oil supplementation. “There’s oodles of evidence linking fish oil to heart health. Studies have shown Omega-3s can help lower triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood), improve heart rhythm problems, and protect against a range of cardiovascular diseases.”1 “Doctors like recommending fish oil because it […]


“GETTING OLDER BETTER” I was in the business of “Non Medical In-Home Care”. When we started, most people didn’t know what that meant. In fact in 2001, apparently, neither did I. When my wife, Marian said she wanted to go into the Home Care business, I replied “why? I am in the home care business, […]

Medical Myths that Kill

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When it comes to your health, you can’t believe everything you hear. And if you get the wrong information, it can have dangerous consequences. Some myths are harmless. But some can kill you if you don’t get the facts from a doctor. In this Lifescript exclusive, NBC News medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman debunks the […]

Alzheimer’s Research – Clinical Studies


More and more, researchers are making discoveries that are bringing us closer to finally combating this most insidious of diseases. Sometimes termed a disease of the caregiver, Alzheimer’s continues to ravage the memories of it’s victims. Dr. Danillo de la Pena, Director of the Research Center for Clinical Studies in Norwalk CT, pharmaceutical-sponsored clinical research in […]


brain, exercise, training

What’s Good for the Heart is Good for the Brain Our brain is a muscle that needs exercise like the rest of our body. MasterMind Brain Training was developed at River House in Greenwich Connecticut by Lori Contadino. Lori is a Gerontologist and holds a MS in Gerontology and Thanatology previously, Lori was the Manager […]

What Are We Going To Do With Dad?

“What Are We Going to Do with Dad?” by Dr. Jerald Winakur is a very personal account documenting his experience with the decline of his dad. It points out the reversal of roles between father and son. Dr. Winakur explores the challenges and dilemmas that families face when caregiving for elderly parents. As a physician […]