Women aren’t properly represented in scientific studies

Photo Of Doctor Looking Deeply Unto The Screen

Women aren’t properly represented in scientific studies With all the hype about personalized medicine one day, doctors will use patients’ genomes to tailor treatment. One would hope that the medical community already had a decent grip on differences between the sexes…Yet scientists and clinicians often ignore sex differences, if they are even aware of them. […]

Testosterone & Trust


Testosterone & Trust Too Much Trust and distrust are crucial components of human society. Hormones play a role in inducing feelings of trust and distrust. Oxytocin is responsible for the feeling of trust, while testosterone suppresses trust and increases skepticism. The article, “She Doesn’t Trust You? Blame the Testosterone“, reports on a study by researchers […]


“GETTING OLDER BETTER” I was in the business of “Non Medical In-Home Care”. When we started, most people didn’t know what that meant. In fact in 2001, apparently, neither did I. When my wife, Marian said she wanted to go into the Home Care business, I replied “why? I am in the home care business, […]

Understanding Concussions

man wearing football helmet

CONCUSSIONSMore and more, the issue of head trauma is being reported and the long term effects are better understood. Once brushed aside as a mere bump on the head, the cumulative effect of this injury has the potential of being truly life changing. Football is the first thing most of us think of, but many […]

Medical Myths that Kill

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When it comes to your health, you can’t believe everything you hear. And if you get the wrong information, it can have dangerous consequences. Some myths are harmless. But some can kill you if you don’t get the facts from a doctor. In this Lifescript exclusive, NBC News medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman debunks the […]

No Link Between Vaccines, Mercury and Autism

What We Don’t Know About Vaccines One of the greatest achievements of Public Health are vaccines. Many deadly diseases have been practically eradicated, along with the pain, suffering and cost to society But there are other diseases whose demise has not yet come. While vaccines exist, many adults–and often children– are not getting them. In a […]

Late Life Creativity, Martin West

A Man Molding a Clay Mask

Art Never Leaves the Artist.….As we benefit from greater longevity, many morph into new areas of their lives or find more time to do those things that they love. Martin West a film documentarian, captured the lives of 50 Connecticut residents who live in or around Westport. Amazingly, this collection of professional visual artists ranged […]


brain, exercise, training

What’s Good for the Heart is Good for the Brain Our brain is a muscle that needs exercise like the rest of our body. MasterMind Brain Training was developed at River House in Greenwich Connecticut by Lori Contadino. Lori is a Gerontologist and holds a MS in Gerontology and Thanatology previously, Lori was the Manager […]

“Scleroderma: The Underdiagnosed Autoimmune Disease Affecting Seniors”

Most people haven’t heard of the autoimmune disease known as scleroderma. While it is not very widespread compared to many other conditions and illnesses, scleroderma does affect more than 300,000 Americans. Since scleroderma can manifest in elderly adults, their family caregivers and home care providers should become more familiar with the disease and be on […]

Why Drug Companies Are Making Common Drugs up to 100 Times More Expensive

white and green medication pill

From Ten Cents Then; Now Five Dollars A drug called colchicine is all that keeps some 2 million American gout patients from suffering debilitating pain in their toes, elbows, wrists, and fingers. Doctors have prescribed the compound, derived from the seeds of the autumn crocus, for centuries. But patients who take colchicine woke up with […]