Family Disharmony
Compared with elderly parents and adult children in five other industrialized nations, Americans are twice as likely to have “disharmonious” relationships, a new multinational study has found. And we’re correspondingly less likely to have “amicable” relationships marked by strong affection and relatively free of conflict. A study was done on the relationships between elderly parents […]
Married, But Sleeping Apart
Nearly one in four American couples sleep in separate bedrooms or beds, the National Sleep Foundation reported in a 2005 survey. Recent studies in England and Japan have found similar results. Over the course of 30 plus years marriage, my wife would never accepts my snoring as an evening serenade. As a result, I became […]
ADHD Stresses a Marriage
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention Disorders Can Take a Toll on MarriageDoes your husband or wife constantly forget chores and lose track of the calendar? Do you sometimes feel that instead of living with a spouse, you’re raising another child? Your marriage may be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Spouses with attention deficit, meanwhile, […]