Orphan Boomers & Stubborn Parents?

Parents Stubborn? DRIVING ISSUES? Having That Hard Talk With Your Folks! ORPHAN BOOMERS Why are There so Many Orphan Boomers? Orphan Boomers….Many people fall into the category of being Orphan Adults, Elder Orphans or Kinless. They may not be aware of the terms, the limitations, and pitfalls that those words represent, even though they apply […]
Married, But Sleeping Apart

Nearly one in four American couples sleep in separate bedrooms or beds, the National Sleep Foundation reported in a 2005 survey. Recent studies in England and Japan have found similar results. Over the course of 30 plus years marriage, my wife would never accepts my snoring as an evening serenade. As a result, I became […]
Testosterone & Trust

Testosterone & Trust Too Much Trust and distrust are crucial components of human society. Hormones play a role in inducing feelings of trust and distrust. Oxytocin is responsible for the feeling of trust, while testosterone suppresses trust and increases skepticism. The article, “She Doesn’t Trust You? Blame the Testosterone“, reports on a study by researchers […]