Orphan Boomers & Stubborn Parents?

A Person Giving a Bundle of Keys to another Person

Parents Stubborn? DRIVING ISSUES? Having That Hard Talk With Your Folks! ORPHAN BOOMERS Why are There so Many Orphan Boomers? Orphan Boomers….Many people fall into the category of being Orphan Adults, Elder Orphans or Kinless. They may not be aware of the terms, the limitations, and pitfalls that those words represent, even though they apply […]


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Are you the meat or the bread? Welcome to the Sandwich Generation. The relationship between grandkids, parents, and grandparents is a tricky one, with all sorts of different ways it can go. Factors that can influence these dynamics include different generational cultures, and stereotypes that each generation may hold about the others. Albeit temporarily, the […]

Do You Know a Parish Nurse?

Do you know a Parish Nurse? Do you know what a Parish Nurse does? MaryJean Tague, Parish Nurse Coordinator with St. Vincent’s Medical Center in Bridgeport, CT met with Dennis and Dawn to discuss this growing trend in health and wellness.Parish nurses tend to work with one large congregation or several small ones to help provide connections […]


“GETTING OLDER BETTER” I was in the business of “Non Medical In-Home Care”. When we started, most people didn’t know what that meant. In fact in 2001, apparently, neither did I. When my wife, Marian said she wanted to go into the Home Care business, I replied “why? I am in the home care business, […]

Fairfield County Woman Magazine

FAIRFIELD COUNTY WOMAN More and more women are taking on roles and tasks that enable them to be both supportive and independent. The need for information on finance, law, health and even construction and home repair is growing. Finding resources that address this is the job of publications like Fairfield County Woman. Part of a 300 […]

Hospital Pricing Roulette

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“Study Finds Huge Variations in Hospital Charges for Appendectomy” Hospital charges appear on patients bills, but they often bear no relation to the discounted fees that an insurer will end up paying. Still, some patients do get stuck paying the retail price. They include the uninsured, those with bare-bones or high-deductible plans, and even some […]

MetLife Mature Markets

THE GOLD STANDARD I RESEARCH ON ISSUES ABOUT GETTING OLDER Metlife Mature Markets Institute has been the gold standard in research on issues about getting older. Started in 1997, the information published cover many facets of finance, lifestyle, work and family and how to balance it all. Understanding the stress and the needs of caregiving employees […]