“Debunking the Myth: Broken Bones are not Stronger After Healing”

IF YOU HAVE NEVER BROKEN A BONE, DON’T RUSH OUT TO TEST THIS MYTH Updating our previous Post 11/21/2010 Are Healed Broken Bones Better Than Before? https://healthyagingshow.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=627&action=edit No, broken bones are not stronger than before they were broken. In fact, they may be weaker for a period of time after they heal. During the healing […]

Infectious Disease – Caution is Better (and Smarter) than Bravery!

man in white dress shirt holding white card

I became intimately aware of the danger of Cellulitis several weeks ago when an almost unnoticeable break in the skin of my index finger, within days blossomed into an infection and brought on symptoms of overall body ache and uncontrollable chills as well as elevated temperature. Confusing these with the onset of the flu I […]

Are Broken Bones Better than New?

ankle, fracture, foot

ARE BROKEN BONES (when healed) BETTER THAN NEW? So goes the challenge to bust the myth. You may be surprised to learn the facts. The Claim: After Being Broken, Bones Can Become Even Stronger. This concept that bone adapts to pressure, or a lack of it is known as Wolff’s law. It’s the reason astronauts return with […]

Vitamin D…..A Must Have Vitamin


IOM Report Sets New Dietary Intake Levels for Calcium and Vitamin D To Maintain Health and Avoid Risks Associated With Excess,  Institute of Medicine Most Americans and Canadians up to age 70 need no more than 600 international units (IUs) of vitamin D per day to maintain health, and those 71 and older may need […]

Diabetes to Triple

Diabetes Text on Pink Background

“DIABETES IS POISED TO TRIPLE BY 2050” Life style changes that enable the advancement of this disease, though preventable it is set to triple in cases by the year 2050. Plenty can be done, we just need to take action now. ..Imagine the ramifications of a new federal report that projects 1 in 3 American adults […]

No Link Between Vaccines, Mercury and Autism

What We Don’t Know About Vaccines One of the greatest achievements of Public Health are vaccines. Many deadly diseases have been practically eradicated, along with the pain, suffering and cost to society But there are other diseases whose demise has not yet come. While vaccines exist, many adults–and often children– are not getting them. In a […]