Orphan Boomers & Stubborn Parents?
Parents Stubborn? DRIVING ISSUES? Having That Hard Talk With Your Folks! ORPHAN BOOMERS Why are There so Many Orphan Boomers? Orphan Boomers….Many people fall into the category of being Orphan Adults, Elder Orphans or Kinless. They may not be aware of the terms, the limitations, and pitfalls that those words represent, even though they apply […]
Therapy Dogs – Good Dog Foundation
The Good Dog Foundation, based in Brooklyn NY. Rachel McPherson, Founder and President for 25 years, is our guest and shares the attributes of a therapy dog. Rachel helped change regulations that now permits therapy dogs into health facilities where their presence is so needed and appreciated. The benefits and rewards of talking with their […]
Understanding Arthritis
Susan Nesci – Chief Public Health and Policy Officer with the Arthritis Foundation joined us to update and inform on what many people do not generally know about types of arthritis and new developments. Discussed are details of such arthritic conditions as Gout. The importance and use of canes. Every 1 pound of weight equals […]